Thursday, September 2, 2021

I am a Writer

I used to have an “I am a Writer” folder on my desktop, in which I saved a myriad of half-baked writing ideas. Very few were ever finished, almost none were shared. I knew I had this desire and talent within me, but being a full-blown perfectionist at the time, stating “I am a writer” (which, to me meant sharing my work in some way) was just a no-go. I kept a journal and my favorite medium is writing letters, so I got practice with old-fashioned correspondence and sentimental cards, but that was about it.

And then the most wonderful thing happened…I broke my foot! Through Universal Intervention (a.k.a. a broken foot, life falling apart, and Spirit Guidance) I started doing The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron. One of the commitments I made when starting the work was to take myself on an “Artist Date”, a solo play date, once each week. The author suggests things like a walk in the woods, touring an art gallery, a trip to the beach, or even a junk store – something to delight and nurture my inner artist/child. Now, I had a broken foot, so many of her suggested expeditions were just not possible as I cruised around on a super-cool knee scooter. And I mean…Super. Cool. I did manage a few places where I had fantastic experiences like the library and a beach unknown to me at the time, near Viroqua, WI. For some reason, I had been drawn to that area over that particular summer. I soon learned why!

Shortly after I began recovering my inner artist, I came across a “Draft and Craft” weekly writing workshop hosted by The Driftless Writing Center, Inc, in Viroqua, WI. Oh, my heart went pitter-pat! Viroqua is an hour and 15 minutes from my home, which also meant filling my cup with cosmically inspirational audio content on my drive. Yes, a once-weekly trip for a few months seemed a perfect way to spend my “me” time and I would have a built-in Artist Date while my foot healed. I was so excited about the first session; I could hardly wait!

We met in a beautiful old Victorian house in an equally beautiful, vibrant neighborhood. Our workshops were led by members of the Driftless Writing Center’s board of directors, who were all writers, published authors, and/or editors themselves. Such talent and support to help me on my way back to me! Participants varied from published authors to those like me, just getting started on our journeys, and all levels of experience in-between. Each week we were given writing prompts and held discussions on different themes such as Building a Writing Practice, Writing the Hard Stuff, Endings, Characterization, and Poetry. Oh gawd, poetry. I rarely read poetry, let alone write it, but the night we covered poetry in that big Victorian house was the night I realized, with a little help from my new writer friends, that I am a writer. In fact, we all are, if that is our intention. I even managed this little "Lune" poem, all on my own. It was a big night.

Just as quickly as I came to that realization, I lost it. I lost it in the sea of life and stress, an ending marriage and so many unfulfilled dreams. I lost that sparkly piece of myself…again. So, here I am today, having reclaimed many pieces of myself, and again, with the help of my friends, I have reclaimed my writer self. And oh boy, am I having the time of my life! 

I’ve been writing regularly for public consumption for only a few weeks, so when I saw Keith Smith-Writer’s post, “I am a writer” (on my daughter’s birthday, no less) my heart nearly leapt out of my chest! In his post, Keith shares his decision to become a writer eight years ago. He had no formal training, but through the power of decision and belief, he declared “I am a writer”, which changed his life and the lives of many others. I am one of them! I couldn’t peck out my comment on his post fast enough: “I am a WRITER too”! I even declared it on the wall of Mississippi River Lock & Dam No. 6 (photo above) in my forever home of Trempealeau, WI - oh, it be!

And so, I am…a writer.

Today I thank everyone who has supported me in any way on this journey. Whether through the inspiration of strangers like Keith Smith-Writer, people sharing their talents and experience through groups like The Driftless Writing Center, Inc, or friends who listen and offer support - all of it has helped deliver me to this place - right here, right now. It took lots of starts and stops, crushed dreams, and soldiering on with a broken foot and all, but I made it! And there’s no place I’d rather be than right here being all ME!

Soul man, Earl St. Claire has totally got me today, as I'm Feelin' Alive! Go on, pair up with that speaker and DANCE!!

"...I'm holdin' onto the Universe, prayin' she don't let me down. I'm afraid if I try something crazy, I might end up in love, love, love. But the world that we live in is crazy and we gotta learn how to trust, trust, trust..." 

My Dark Night of the Soul Journey was necessary to reach where I am today. While I am still working through the residue of a lifetime of beliefs and behaviors that no longer serve me, I am so grateful to be the most authentic version of myself I have ever known. If you're curious, please join me at the beginning of this adventure of me. It has been a journey worth taking, for sure!


  1. Shirley. Thank you for this and your other offerings. They make a difference. I too am a writer, whether I am widely read or not๐Ÿ˜€

  2. Chad!! Thank you so very much...for real. While I haven't seen your content in awhile, every piece I have read moves me somehow, just as your "way" did when we worked together. Your work and your passion for it are inspiring and I am grateful for you and your kind words of support. Write on, my friend!! ✨
